Sunday, October 09, 2005

Well, I'm back in Korea now! It's nice to be back, and the weather is great. Everyone here is complaining about how cold it's getting, and yet, I'm sweating at least once every day to soak my clothes. The humidity is the key, I think. Anyway, it's nice to be back, and I'm adapting really quite well to my new job and new apartment. My coworkers are nice, and the management seems great. Overall, the place is 1000 times more organized than Brighton. If you happen to read Hangul, you can check out the school's website at . I'll be posting some more pics of my school in the near future... Pictured here is a bird's eye view of Korea. As you can see, it's jam packed with buildings and stuff. No open spaces... no siree. Posted by Picasa


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